Vari's Comissions!

So, you decided to check out my commision site! Down below you'll find pricings, commission examples, and some of my other work!
Sometimes this website seems to have issues loading some of the images, so while I'm working to fix this, in the meantime you can check my twitter and insta linked below for examples!

About me
I'm a game artist from Germany so I mostly do game assets at work, but in my free time I love drawing comics, creatures, and just overall fun characters!
You'll often find me in pokemon communities, but I play lots of video games overall, so if you are interested in getting Commissions of non-pokemon Characters, wether they're from other fandoms or just completely original you can hit me up for that as well!

Products and prices

Click here for a list of products I offer as well as their pricings

Other works

Some more example artwork, either done for contests or as personal projects

Terms of Service

Products and prices

Prices are calculated based on level of detail and style chosen, so for example, a basic Icon will cost 10€, but an icon featuring more complex characters, a more time-consuming art style, or possibly other specifically requested details will have its price increased accordingly. I can't accept tips, but if you want to pay extra to get some extra effort then I'm of course always down for that.

Icons and Emotes - starting at 15€

Phone Wallpapers - starting at 30€
Base Level: Clean lineart, blocked colors
+ 5€: Simple shading
+ 15€: Complex shading and other effects
+ 30€: Lineless painted; other high detail styles of your choosing

Banners and other Illustrations - Prices highly depend on level of detail. Generally, any additional character will add a minimum of 50% to the price, so if you're paying 20€ for a basic color sketch, a second character in the same image will add at least 10€. Price can increase if they're highly detailed, or decrase if it's just a literal blob character or similarly simple.Basic Prices for Character illustrations
- Uncolored Sketch: 10€
- Colored Sketch: 15€
- Uncolored clean lineart: 25€
- Colored clean lineart: 35€
- % price adjustments if not a fullbody drawing
- Simple cel shading: + 7€
- Stylised, detailed cel shading or anime styles: +15 -30€ based on character and style specifics
- Painted shading, lineless styles, and specific style requests: inquire directly, tend to be more expensive
- Simple color Background: FREE
- Specific simple objects, editing in (provided) text additions, or banner elements: + 5€
- Detailed Backgrounds: + 10 - 30€
For ideas that go beyond these listed basics and additions, such as very environment-focussed illustrations, don't be afraid to ask! I'm generally down to disccuss details of my commissions.

I've recently started offering pngtubers after testing them out for myself. I offer three categories, all of which come with a base state (idle, talk, blink) and one additional expression state of your choice, such as an angry or crying face.
I personally work with veadotube mini, but if you want to use a different program feel free to ask and I'll see what I can do.

PNG-Tuber Styles
- "Memetuber": Very simple; no or minimal coloring and shading. expressions and overall style based on being funny and animated rather than detailed and serious. Cheap to do lots of states for.
Starting set: 25€
Additional states: 3€ for face only state, 8€ for full body state
- Classic Pngtuber: Standard, semi-detailed character artwork. Stills and single frame talk and blink "animations"
Starting Set: 40€-80€ depending on chosen style
Additional states: 7€ for face only state, 10-25€ for full body state (depending on how much has to be redrawn from scratch)
- Animations: Any state's idle, talk, or blink animation can be made into an actual gif or apng. however, this means working with a reduced color palette and it takes a lot more effort to do this depending on the type of animation requested. Feel free to ask me if you want any part of a pngtuber to be animated, but expect a price increase of up to 50% on the animated part.

You can overall choose any of the styles you see on my page. Style will affect pricing depending on which shading cathegory it falls into, or if it falls into the "other" cathegory.

Other Artwork

Some more pieces I did as practice, personal projects, or as part of events etc.
Feel free to just explore! You can also ask for any styles used here!

Terms of Service
- Payment happens through PayPal exclusively at the moment.
- Depending on what information is present on your PayPal account, I may have to ask you for things such as your legal name. This information is merely used to keep accurate invoices cause paperwork in my country is a pain.
- Payment happens after the sketch phase for higher detailed work, and beforehand in case of sketch comms. In the case of expensive projects it is possible to discuss 50% at the start and 50% on ccompletion
- I can refuse any commission if there is a good reason to do so. I do expect to be treated with respect and I will not draw any of the following things:
- Anything with the purpose of being used for NFTs or AI art
- NSFW involving anyone unable to give consent, as well as things I am not comfortable with which I would rather specify in person if that's really what youre looking for
- Real people, or characters based on real people, UNLESS I can get direct consent from the person in question to do so
If these terms are fine with you, and you enjoy what you're seeing on my site, then feel free to contact me on twitter when my commissions are open!FAQQ: What do you draw best?
A: Monsters of all kinds, be they horrific abominations or a cute little pokemon. Furries also count as monsters for the sake of this answer.
Humans if they're stylised or just overall COOL, have superpowers, horns, claws, etc.
Anything that isn't just straight up mechanical. A Mecha arm on a human would be fine, but if you need full on Mech art there's better artists for that.
Q: Can you imitate X style?
A: Yes and no. I'm fine with imitating styles that are widely known and go beyond just a single person, or are used by an entire company (Jojos Bizarre adventure, Valorant, etc). They will never be exact, but it's something I can try my hand at.
I am also ok with imitating styles that are hard to really pinpoint. As in they're generic enough to not really belong to one artist.
I will NOT imitate styles used by singular artists who art trying to make money of comms, print sales, etc themselves. Reference is one thing, but imitation is a nope.Q: Do you do NSFW?
A: It's not my specialty, and not something I want connected to my profile, but if it doesn't go against any rules of consent and if you respect any bounaries I may set, then I'm fine with NSFW.
Q: Can you draw me?
A: Portraits of real people are something I do as practice, but not really something I want to offer for money, so you're better off going to someone else with this. Unless "Me" is your online sona, vtuber, etc, in which case sure! for the appropriate Payment, of course
Q: Can I pay you in exposure?
A: N O.
Q: Can I use your art for AI or NFT projects?

© Verena Geilfus. All rights reserved.